Simulate a jointly profiled scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq dataset in which several enhancer regulons (eRegulons) are contained.
obj = NULL,
ntfs = 5,
ngenes = 50,
ncells = 100,
all.genes = 1000,
all.enhs = 3000,
all.cells = 1000,
org = "hg38",
atac.assay = "ATAC",
gene.links = 2,
multi.factor = 100,
distance = 5e+05,
url.link = "https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/38794185"
A Seurat
object used as the prototype to generate simulated dataset.
The number of eRegulons (TFs) to include in the simulated dataset.
The average number of genes in an eRegulon.
The average number of cells in an eRegulon.
the number of genes in the simulated Seurat
The number of enhancers in the simulated Seurat
The number of cells in the simulated Seurat
The organism, hg38 by default.
The scATAC-seq assay.
The average number of enhancers linked to each gene in an eRegulon.
The value to be multiplied by the eRegulon genes
The maximum distance between a gene and its linked enhancers.
Returns a list composed of an eRegulon list and a Seurat
each item of the simulated eRegulon contains the following attributes:
TF: The TF of the eRegulon.
genes: Genes of the eRegulon.
peaks: Enhancers of the eRegulon.
cells: Cells where the eRegulon is active.
Li, Y., Ma, A., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Chen, S., Fu, H., Liu, B. and Ma, Q., 2022. Enhancer-driven gene regulatory networks inference from single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data. bioRxiv, pp.2022-12.
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Garcia-Alonso, L., Holland, C. H., Ibrahim, M. M., Turei, D., & Saez-Rodriguez, J. (2019). Benchmark and integration of resources for the estimation of human transcription factor activities. Genome research, 29(8), 1363-1375.